“Pocket PWS” displays personal weather station informations.
You need to own a private weather station to use this application!
It also requires the user to use station programs auto-upload functionality, where a 2nd set of data is posted. The format of this data is XML.
For program specific installation methods, go here:
Weather Display
Additional file can be download from HERE.
The content of the package is “something_here.xml” file, and this file should be placed in specific directories as described in installation instructions.
Pocket PWS uses:
Freecns Cumulus icons designed by Yannick Lung
Roboto fonts designed by Christian Robertson*
Big thanks to:
Simone Accili for italian translation;
Pedro Dias for portugese translation;
David Laurent for french translation;
George Blades Voulgarakis for greek translation.
*Apache licence, version 2.0